Technical Project Manager 3  


  • JRE 1.8.0_65 Upgrade
    • Organized and facilitated individual UAT testing for ~40 applications to ensure compatibility before deployment.
    • Reached out directly to each LOB to identify all that could be impacted by this update and coordinated testing accordingly to minimalize impact.
    • Identified multiple exception groups and worked with them individually to create migration/update strategy that meets their needs, as well as security requirements.
    • Created Java Dependent Applications report in Altiris to quickly identify all JRE dependent applications, categories, and deployment phase for each user; which will greatly improve efficiency and reduce timeline for future update/deployment.
    • Monitored and participated on project team for projects related to JRE dependent applications to ensure no conflicts exist and efforts were not being duplicated.
  • MyED Pulse
    • Identified gap in support ability for Field and Help Desk related to remote users; contacted Remote Access Management team to explore opportunities for improvement, which resulted in being introduced to MyED Pulse well ahead of the rest of the organization.
    • Proactively researched what was required to implement MyED Pulse in our environment.
    • Formed task force to gather all needed information, implement all prerequisites, and deploy to Nexus.
      • Task force included representation from Endpoint Engineering and Emergency Services team, Network Security Influent Engineering team, Field Support, Help Desk, Desktop Engineering, and Altiris.
    • Proactively set up biweekly meetings and worked with business and technology partners over several months to ensure all components were installed on our desktops in timely manner and we were 100% prepared for the roll-out of MyED Pulse in our environment.
    • Applications deployed in connection with this project:
      • GPO Changes
      • RASDeviceCertificateEnrollment
      • Sentry
      • MyEDPulse
      • MyEDScriptLauncher
      • Wealth Login Script 1.4